Syberia is the sequel to the "Mystery of Siberia" series, which will continue the adventure around the heroine Kate Walker, who is dealing with a brand new investigation, a journey that will take players across continents and eras through a tumultuous and tragic twentieth century.
1.Rich and interesting characters
2.Cinematic camera angles, movement and framing
3.Original and creative puzzles
4.Unparalleled and unique atmosphere
She encounters a number of incredible people and places as she travels from Western Europe to the far eastern reaches of Russia on an expedition to Europe, trying to track down the genius inventor Hans - the final key to unlocking the secrets of Siberia.
Jungle Heat: War of Clans
Merge Designer-House Makeover
Galaxy Reavers 2 - Space RTS
Bingo Pet Rescue
Blackmoor 2: Action Platformer
Dirt Xtreme
Word Serenity: Fun Word Search
Millionaire Trivia: TV Game
Fruit Ninja 2 - Fun Action Games
Box Office Tycoon - Idle Movie Tycoon Game
Starlit On Wheels: Super Kart