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Lanota - Music game with story

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Lanota - Music game with story
  • os: ios version: 2.9.0
    updated: Dec 29, 2021 size: 1.3 GB
  • os: android version: 2.9.0
    updated: December 27, 2021 size: 273M

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Promotional Video/Screenshot


A quaint fantasy style music-based plot exploration adventure game, with the rhythm of the music constantly dance your fingers to tap the right notes, step by step to the unknown to launch the exploration, looking for the people fading in the road ahead.

Editor Comment

1、Each chapter corresponds to a different method of play and challenge, you need to continue to explore the adventure on the way forward.

2, beautiful graphics with melodious music BGM, so that you enjoy the company of the song in this adventure along the way.

3, the visual impact of the screen presentation to bring you more characteristic notes combat experience, let their fingers more flexible.

How to Play

Through the challenge you will not only be able to listen to more beautiful music, but also gradually make their finger coordination ability to improve, more and more difficult challenges need you constantly familiar with the rhythm of the game.



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