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Khan Academy Kids

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Khan Academy Kids
  • os: ios version: 4.2
    updated: Jan 27, 2022 size: 205.7 MB
  • os: android version: 4.2
    updated: January 25, 2022 size: 147M

* For reference, Khan Academy Kids game websites are all approved, there are no viruses and malware.


Promotional Video/Screenshot


Khan Academy Kids is a comprehensive and free course learning mobile app with a wide range of resources for all subjects, such as math, English... It can be used by children, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities; users can view detailed video lessons online and learn easily.

Editor Comment

1. Independent learning

Children can also learn independently in the Academy Children's Library - a selection of activities, books, videos and coloring pages. Our book readers allow children to follow along with recorded narrations or read on their own in our fiction, nonfiction and fiction level books.

2. Adaptive Learning Paths

Our personalized learning paths can be dynamically adapted to ensure that each child is provided with activities, books, educational videos and creative lessons that allow them to learn at their own pace, creating a personalized experience for each learner.

How to Play

1、Expert creation

2、Emotional and physical hair

3. Joyful Learning

4. Personalized learning experiences



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