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SAO Unleash Blading

1(5 votes) 

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SAO Unleash Blading
  • os: ios version: 3.5.0
    updated: Jun 29, 2022 size: 3.5GB
  • os: android version: 3.5.0
    updated: Jun 28, 2022 size: 3.5GB

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Promotional Video/Screenshot


SAO Unleash Blading brings you the most classic sword and sorcery game, this time the main story line takes place in the Alice chapter. The protagonists will face, is a more serious challenge! The original anime restoration, a grass and trees are lifelike, to bring you a sense of magical experience!

Editor Comment

① excellent painting style, accurate anime content restoration are made sword and saber fans love.

② game character, painting, production are excellent.

③ the game's social, no problems with this aspect of joint combat.

How to Play

The game's picture quality and modeling is excellent, although it is turn-based but still has a lot of interactivity, most of the settings in the game restore the original, but added new content, so that players can get both classic as well as new experience. The game operation as well as character movements are very smooth, not fans can also play a little, because the quality itself is quite good.



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