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Math Kids: Math Games For Kids

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Math Kids: Math Games For Kids
  • os: ios version: 1.3.6
    updated: Jul 21, 2021 size: 154.9 MB
  • os: android version: 1.4.4
    updated: May 4, 2022 size: 36M

* For reference, Math Kids: Math Games For Kids game websites are all approved, there are no viruses and malware.


Promotional Video/Screenshot


Math Kids: Math Games For Kids learn simple math knowledge by playing a variety of math games on cell phones. The games are rich in content, mainly containing number recognition, simple addition and subtraction, etc., with very beautiful cartoon illustrations, which are loved by children!

Editor Comment

Counting - Learn to count in this simple addition game.

Add quizzes - Test your child's math and addition skills

Subtraction Puzzles - Fill in the missing symbols in math problems.

Subtraction Fun - Count items to solve puzzles!

How to Play

When children can play while learning, they are more likely to recall information. It also makes them want to learn more often, which can give them a huge boost when they go to kindergarten.



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