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Galaxy Reavers 2 - Space RTS

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Galaxy Reavers 2 - Space RTS
  • os: ios version: 1.1.0
    updated: Dec 7, 2021 size: 616.5 MB
  • os: android version: 1.1100
    updated: December 3, 2021 size: 57M

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Galaxy Reavers 2 - Space RTS players need to survive in the universe can drive a variety of interesting spaceships, players follow the mission slowly familiar with the gameplay, get started very quickly.

Editor Comment

1、Very strategic way of combat, strategizing and decisive battle above the vault

2、Panoramic control, master the overall situation, customize the exclusive warship, shocking interpretation of epic star wars

How to Play

The player draws a line to control, command the Star Fleet to open the journey of conquering the universe, a rich variety of battleships free combination, powerful ship equipment strategy, sensitive touch control real-time command battle, with a wide panoramic universe battlefield, together presenting an epic Star Wars game experience!



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