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Ice Age Adventures

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Ice Age Adventures
  • os: ios version: 1.9.6
    updated: Jun 5, 2019 size: 258.9 MB
  • os: android version: 2.1.0b
    updated: January 11, 2022 size: 61M

* For reference, Ice Age Adventures game websites are all approved, there are no viruses and malware.


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Ice Age Adventures because the rat Quatre chased acorns when he made a big trouble caused the whole continent plate big rift! Players in the game to protect their companions, explore the unknown world and save other animals.

Editor Comment

1、An epic adventure

2、Rescue animal companions

3、Rat Quint Avalanche Escape

How to Play

You will collect virtual currency called "berries", "shells" and the rarer "acorns" that you can use to care for your virtual animals or buy in-game items. Some actions will also have wait times that you can skip with virtual currency.



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